Saturday, January 5, 2008

Anatomy of a Dress, Take Two, Part One

Here's the next installment of my dressmaking for The Music Man. So far, I am not as happy with the progress on this one as I am with the previous dress, but I'm making due. Here's what I've got so far.

The fabrics - a sheer-ish white with flowers and a blue with a slight pattern (if you look closely) for the sash.

Cutting the bodice lining pieces.

The bodice, sewn together.

The bodice fabric.

The bodice lining and fabric put together, no sleeves added yet.

The bodice (minus one sleeve!) and sash on a chair masquerading as a dress form. It's obviously not there to check the fit, but I wanted to get a sense of where it was going!

The other sleeve will go on tomorrow. I'm getting tired and when I get tired, I get sloppy and I don't want that to happen!

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Made by Lena