Saturday, June 30, 2007

Quote of the Day

One of the best things about having a big family with lots of kids is hearing the things those kids say! Today's quote of the day comes from Robert, now 10 years old. Ever since he was a baby, he has had this stuffed bunny everyone calls Bun-Bun. When he first grabbed Bun from the toy shelf and adopted him as his own, the rabbit was in perfect condition. Over the years, Bun has seen his share of wear and tear and has had to be patched up many times.

Bun travels everywhere with Robert - to the movies, to the mall (where he was left in a Macy's and a frantic search to find him was thankfully successful!), etc. One day, around six or seven years ago, Robert and family were packing up the car after a visit, and I noticed that Bun was still on the living room couch. I hurried the toy outside and handed it to Robert, already sitting in his car seat.

"What do you say, Robert?" his mom asked.

"Sorry Bun!" he said.

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