This is Installment # 3 of my journals. I still have quite the ways to go in my first journal and then we'll see how far I'll take actually posting these thoughts. For the most part, my current journals are full of fantastical ramblings and lists of things I need to do the next day!
In any case, I'm procrastinating from cleaning and doing this instead for a few minutes! As usual, I'm leaving the original spelling and grammar in tact. I'll put a correction in parentheses if I think it's hard to understand!
Also, these are especially funny to read right now because they are pretty much EXACTLY 20 years ago, give or take a couple of days!
Entry # 9 - July 16, 1988
Last night I sleep over at Amanda's.
We played with her freind Jenen (Janine).
We had a lot of fun.
Ther was an aregue (argument) about a dumb Ken doll betwin Amanda and Jenen.
After the aregu was over we had lunch because we all were hugry.
Entry # 10 - July 18, 1988
Yesterda I went to Jordon's house.
I played baskitball.
Lindsay and Jordan dindin'd (didn't) play with me.
Today I will go to the botanic garden.
Entry # 11 - July 19, 1988
Today we will go to a play grup at Ambers.
I think we'll have fun.
Entry # 12 - No date.
Last night I slepet over at my coisns house.
Lindsay and Jordon were crazy.
They wouldn't go to slep.
Entry # 13 - No date.
Today I will go see Big top pee wee. I might bring Kate and Lindsay might bring Shan (Shane).
Entry # 14 - No date.
Today is Lindsay's party. She invited a lot of people. I don't know if Kate is comeing.
Entry # 15 - No date.
Today I will go to gym in school. It will be lots of fun. Last week my teem won for playing hokey (hockey, NOT hooky!). It was lots of fun. They other team lost. The End.
Entry # 16 - October 31, 1988
Today is Hallaween. I'm going trick of treating with amanda. We will get lots of candy.
Entry # 17 - November 26, 1988
Today I went ice stating with Courtney and Mom, dad and Lindsay. It was lots of fun with evryone. I loved it.
Well, clearly at this point in my writing I have learned many new adjectives. Everything is still just FUN or FUNNY or A LOT OF FUN. The entries seem to get more involved after that last one - apparantly being in the second grade started to have an influence on me (and you can't see it cause these are typed, but my handwriting is A LOT better!).