Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Only Two More Days This Week!

I am welcoming my tiny little vacation this week, having Friday off! I'm so tired from all the work I've been doing and the extra things after work. I just need some time to myself!

This has been my schedule the last couple of weeks:

Work: 8-3

Monday: Music Man Rehearsal 3-5
Tuesday: Curriculm Planning Meeting 3-5
Wednesday: Curriculum Planning 3-5
Thursday: Music Man Rehearsal 3-5
Saturday: Music Man Rehearsal 8:30-11:30

Music Man Rehearsals go from 8:30-1:00 starting NEXT Saturday (not this coming - I actually get to sleep!) and last just two weeks! The end product will be SO worth it, but right now it's So tiring!

The saga of the reversible jacket for Harold Hill has begun. I'm steadily working on it, and I think it'll be really cool when it's done.

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