Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This was NOT a good month...

...to talk about nutrition! Tomorrow, in honor of my birthday, it sounds like I will be receiving MULTIPLE boxes of chocolate from my adoring fans - my students, that is! I told them that they did NOT have to purchase me things for my birthday, but just making a card or simply saying "Happy Birthday" (and perhaps being good students and being nice and quiet for the day would be nice too!), but I think a surprise is in the works. My non-subtle ones have been hinting at things and acting VERY strange indeed today... seriously, how many times do they need to ask me if I'm allergic to anything!! (Though, in retrospect, I HOPE that means chocolate and not a weird perfume - but it is, after all, the thought that counts in the end!)

And YES, I WILL be posting a Happy Birthday to Me tomorrow! (It is family news, after all!)

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