Monday, August 27, 2007

"Jurassic Park in any form is magical."

Last night I was flipping through the channels and I noticed that Jurassic Park III was on. Now really, this is the worst movie of the whole series - in fact, it's not very good at all - but I felt compelled to watch some of it. I turned it on during a scene in which two dinosaurs were fighting. Therefore, I didn't realize until about two minutes later - when the characters started talking - that the movie was dubbed in Spanish!

Of course, I had to text Kara immediately, telling her of my dismay that they don't dub over the dino sounds, and we got into a discussion about how they dub panting, laughing, and screaming in another voice, but not dinosaur sounds. Kara speculated that they would have had to find a Spanish speaking dino, which is hard to come by, and I agreed, also adding that perhaps it is too hard to translate English dino roars into Spanish.

The discussion concluded with my saying that the real mystery was that I was still actually watching the movie! To which Kara replied, making the best point of the night, "Jurassic Park in any form is magical."

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