Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Super Quiz Game Notes: Game # 6

The Official Society of Super Quiz
New Lebanon Region
Game # 6

Date: May 27, 2006

Recordkeeper Belcher Rehcleb (filling in for Niblet Telbin)

Cabinet Members:
Bort Trob, President
Pot Luck Kcultop, Vice President
Lorraine Eniarrol, Vice President
Niblet Telbin, Vice President

Other Members:
Farter Retraf, Upper League Member
Crier Reirc, Upper League Member
Belcher Rehcleb, Upper League Member
Julius Suiluj, Lower League Member
Tidy Ydit, Lower League Member
Slime Emils, Junior Member
General Lareneg, Junior Member
Thing One Enogniht, Junior Member
Thing Two Owtgniht, Junior Member

Members Present at Game:
Bort Trob
Pot Luck Kcultop
Farter Retraf
Crier Reirc
Belcher Rehcleb


Niblet was not present to take initial notes. Pot Luck forced to carry Niblet in, but she left again.

It has been deemed that Belcher will assume the role of Official Recordkeeper for this circle session.

Using the “B” side of the cards for this circle session.

Farter enthusiastically agreed to go first.

Farter has been warned NOT to pick her feet… only categories.

Farter and Belcher needed to be reminded about The Bounce during the rituals.

Belcher has noted that Farter is “Priming for THE PICK.”

Farter has earned the first star of the night.

Farter is having trouble clapping to the beat.

Crier has requested to join the game already in progress. A vote was taken and it was allowed.

Lorraine has attempted to answer questions although she is not in the game.

Pot Luck lifted himself off his chair and blew a fart.

Pot Luck is doing a grand job as Disciplinarian.

Pot Luck offers to get us all a refreshment or snack.

Belcher takes phone call break.

“Bic pens” accidentally read as “big penis.”

Belcher on phone during turn.

Pot Luck suggests conducting the start of the clapping motion with a breath.

Farter continues to have trouble getting the cards out of the box.

Belcher has been reprimanded by President Bort for referring to “the victor” as “the winner.”

Belcher is falling asleep.

Farter has noted that Crier took a card from the wrong side.

It is discovered that M&M stands for “Mars & Murray”

Crier suggests that we relax the bounce.

Discussion of the winner ceremony.

Farter is the victor!

The final scores were as follows:
 Farter – 6 stars (Science, Movies, Famous People, Mostly Music, Spelling, Words), 2 bonus points
 Bort – 3 stars (Travel & Leisure, Spelling, Words), 4 bonus points, 2 points in Science, 1 point in Geography
 Belcher – 3 stars (Mostly Music, Spelling, Words), 2 points Movies, 1 point Sports, 1 point T.V.
 Pot Luck – 2 stars (Sports, Spelling), 2 points Science, 2 points Pot Luck, 2 points Words, 1 point History
 Crier – 1 star (Spelling), 1 points Movies, 2 points Pot Luck, 2 points Mostly Music

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