Friday, November 16, 2007

Super Quiz Game Notes: Game # 8

As I have yet to get my hands on Katherine's video of her reading the notes, this will have to suffice for now - the FINALLY typed up version.

We'll all be upstate for Thanksgiving again (including Carol, James and the boys!!!) so I expect another game will take place very soon!

The Official Society of Super Quiz
New Lebanon Region
Game # 8

Date: October 6, 2007

Recordkeeper Niblet Telbin

Cabinet Members:
Bort Trob, President
Pot Luck Kcultop, Vice President
Lorraine Eniarrol, Vice President
Niblet Telbin, Vice President

Other Members:
Farter Retraf, Upper League Member
Crier Reirc, Upper League Member
Belcher Rehcleb, Upper League Member
Julius Suiluj, Upper League Member
Songbird Dribgros, Lower League Member
Tidy Ydit, Lower League Member
Hollywood Doowyllooh, Lower League Member
Slime Emils, Junior Member
General Lareneg, Junior Member
Thing One Enogniht, Junior Member
Thing Two Owtgniht, Junior Member

Members Present at Game:
Bort Trob
Pot Luck Kcultop
Niblet Telbin
Farter Retraf
Crier Reirc
Belcher Rehcleb
Hollywood Doowylloh *NEW*
Songbird Dribgros *NEW*


(Pre Game)

Farter has suggested that we should turn the fan once the game starts. Good call Farter.

Nibler has suggested the taking of photos during our inspirational Super Quiz experience.

Farter approves. (Crier: “Are submembers allowed to approve?”)

Crier has suggested that she will take the responsibilities of Lorraine.

Belcher is missing!

(During Game)

Belcher is going first.

We will be using the “B” side of the cards.

Pot Luck has requested that other members shouldn’t interfere with Niblet’s recordkeeping. She is quite capable.

Belcher has received the first star.

Belcher should review the rules more often in between OSSQ sessions seeing as she often forgets important aspects of the beauty

There seems to be a slight blemish in the Pot Luck box

Bort has referred to Farter as “Belcher.”

Our substitute Overseer of Rituals needs to wait for every member before initiating a ritual.

Hollywood must wait for Crier to initiate the ritual before she begins.

Bort has informed us that she will not be participating in the next ritual because she will be photographing.

We neglected to turn the fan as Farter suggested. Hollywood has decided to take care of this.

Pot Luck has stated that he believes that Crier may be a more successful Overseer of Rituals.

Retarded, but amazing.

We have received a visit from Julius’ dog, Gomez.

The new rules of not participating or participating in your own rituals will be further discussed and recorded tomorrow.

“That hurts. I’ll love to play another day though.” – Pot Luck

Crier and Farter both suggested to leave the circle for a moment.

Hollywood has forgotten to ask to leave the circle.

Belcher is waving her arms in an odd fashion.

Niblet is very impressed with the members ability to unify the rituals.

The members are showing off their categories.

“Every little bit helps towards Omni.” – Bort

President Bort has made a blunder in the scoring.

Pot Luck just bit his tongue.

Niblet only clapped twice when three claps were required.

Niblet has received her first star in spelling.

Belcher has helped Pot Luck with a question (inappropriate).

Farter just answered a question as “ether.” Niblet then said, “Do you know the structural formula for ether?” Farther answers, “No.” Niblet said, “Me either” and Pot Luck made the fantastic pun “me ETHER.”

“I hate this game,” says Hollywood; “Those fightin’ words,” replies Crier

Niblet has suggested that Belcher face the circle during the ritual so her energy will be contributed towards the achievement of Omni.

Belcher has requested to leave the table and her turn has been skipped. On her next turn she will have two opportunities. (I just wrote that all down for nothing/we’re going back to Belcher.)

“The ear h.a.s. three bones – hammer, anvil and stirrup.” – Bort

Hollywood has abstained from a ritual in protest.

Belcher is the victor!

The final scores were as follows:
 Belcher – 6 stars (Sports, Movies, Mostly Music, Travel & Leisure, Spelling), 2 bonus points
 Pot Luck – 4 stars (Science, Sports, Spelling, Words), 2 bonus points
 Bort – 4 stars (Science, Travel & Leisure, Spelling, Words), 1 bonus point, 2 points Geography
 Crier – 4 stars (Science, Pot Luck, Travel & Leisure, Spelling), 2 points Mostly Music, 2 points T.V.
 Farter – 4 stars (Science, Famous People, Mostly Music, Spelling), 2 points Pot Luck
 Songbird – 3 stars (Pot Luck, Travel & Leisure, Spelling), 1 bonus point, 1 point Movies
 Niblet – 1 star (Spelling), 2 bonus points, 2 points Science, 1 point Sports, 2 points Mostly Music, 2 points words
 Hollywood – 1 star (Spelling), 2 bonus points, 2 points Words

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