Saturday, September 15, 2007

If Only...

You would have had to have been living under a rock ten years ago if you didn't know that Kelly, Lindsay and Joe (and Katherine, by osmosis) had an obsession with the Mighty Ducks (the movies, NOT the actual hockey team). Of course, as any fan knows, there are three movies in the franchise: The Mighty Ducks, D2: The Mighty Ducks and D3: The Mighty Ducks.

Fairly recently, me, Pam, Joe, Lindsay and her friend Audrey all went to Roosevelt Field to do some shopping and we're all sitting in the car - Joe in the front, Pam driving, me, Lin and Audrey in the back (Audrey was in the middle I believe). Anyway, at one point Audrey made a comment along the lines of, "I don't know, I think it was D4 or something."

Me, Joe and LIndsay all immediately turned to her and said, "WHAT?!" in unison, so shocked that there might be a D4 that we had never heard of ourselves. As it turned out, it was just a misunderstanding, but it was pretty funny.

Recently, we found this though! (Just think... maybe one day there will be a D4.)

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