Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Picture of the Week

Because this week's picture of the week is related to the story I just told, I thought I'd post it today instead of tomorrow = plus I have to work late tomorrow and have 8 million things today so I likely won't get a chance.

This picture was taken on our trip to Paris in 2003 (in fact, on the very day I wrote about below). It has become famous because of Jack's reaction to it when he saw it. Clearly, the fish is a statue on a bridge that we saw during one of our long walks. However, Jack (who was two at the time) was quite confused by Lindsay's mock pain from putting her hand in the fish's mouth, and he was quite concerned, and did not want to look at the other pictures. We had to teach him all about pretend that day, and for a long time he would walk around going "Lini - fish - just pretend" as though to reassure himself that she was not hurt!

He also then learned how to imitate the face she made and it became part of "the routine" - something I would do with Jack where I would give him commands of things he knew how to do ("make your face," "make Lini's face," "clap hands" and there were a few more that I don't remember)!

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